Discussion 4 Response: Explain the significance of family and kinship for the Perez family – Solution

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your responses must be substantive and not just agreeing with someone’s work. You need to add by explaining more, refuting a point or correcting a point.  a minimum of 150 words and one reference with in text citation, one reference for each respond.  

Discussion 1 Lindsay

Module 6 Discussion

1. Explain the significance of family and kinship for the Perez family.

Familism is the value of family considerations over individual or community needs, and is a strong value in the Hispanic community (Kemp, 2001). The Perez family lives within close proximity to one another and has a strong reliance on family in day-to-day life, as well as in sickness. Both Mr. and Mrs. Perez rely on their nurse daughter to guide them and advise on their health care and will be present during her father’s pacemaker implant surgery.

A family-centered model of medical and health decision-making is more valued than patient autonomy (Kemp, 2001). Mr. Perez is also the main provider for the family. The Perez family places a strong emphasis on family as the major source of one’s protection against hardships in life. Close-knit family relations provide the Perez family with a network of security and support, especially in times of need. The significance of family in Mexican Americans is the most important aspect of life and is believed that what God united cannot be separated by man (Evason, 2018).

2. Describe the importance of religion and God for the Perez family.

Religion and God are very influential and important to the Perez family. The Perez family has numerous spiritual items and symbols in their household and attends mass every Sunday morning. The Perez family believes their health is in the hands of God and prays for the health of the family frequently with handmade bequests. Mr. Perez often visits a curandero for medicinal folk remedies. Curanderos are traditional native healers that use folk remedies such as herbs and ointments to cure physical ailments and to offer relief from bad luck (Evason, 2018). In Mexico, they often combine both religious and supernatural elements or levels.

3. Identify two stereotypes about Mexican Americans that were dispelled in this case with the Perez family.

One stereotype that was dispelled in this case with the Perez family is traditional gender roles. Typically, in the Hispanic culture men are obligated to be the family provider and protector (Nance et al., 2018). Men are expected to be strong, brave, courageous, and good family providers. Mexican American males are stereotyped to have characteristics of being a good spiritual and emotional provider for the family (Nance et al., 2018). Although, Mrs. Perez is the provider of spiritual, physical, and emotional care for the family.

Another stereotype that was dispelled in this case with the Perez family is immigration status. Historically, many Americans hold negative feelings toward immigrants especially as political campaigns and voter initiatives indicate, in the case of Mexican immigrants (Vargas & dePyssler, n.d.). Media misrepresentations of Mexican immigrants play a substantial role in shaping public attitudes and opinions. Except for Mr. Perez all other family members were born in the U.S. The entire Perez family can speak both Spanish and English fluently.

4. What is the role of Mrs. Perez in this family?

Mrs. Perez is the main provider of spiritual, physical, and emotional care for the family. Spiritual care is a type of health care that supports the spirit or soul of a person to help deal with health challenges that your loved one may be facing. Spirituality is a powerful and important source of strength in families.

When a family faces a difficult situation, including a health problem, their religious beliefs and practice help them fight feelings of helplessness, restore meaning and order to life situations, and promote regaining a sense of control (Nemours Foundation, 2001). Emotional support is demonstrating care and compassion for others. Being the family’s emotional care provider means helping other family members cope with their emotions and experiences and showing them that they are not alone.     


Evason, N. (2018). Mexican culture.  The Cultural Atlas. https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/mexican-culture

Kemp, C. (2001). Culture and the end of life. Hispanic cultures (focus on Mexican Americans).  Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 3(1), 29-33.

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Explain the significance of family and kinship for the perez family
Explain the significance of family and kinship for the Perez family

Discussion 2 (Geanny)

The significance of family and kinship for the Perez family

Family is always essential since they provide both financial and emotional assistance. They exhort the patient to maintain optimism and the belief that, despite their illness, they will recover. They supply whatever equipment the hospital needs to care for the patient. Additionally, the family tends to the sick members’ physical needs, such as washing and feeding them. Family comes first, and loyalty is exercised regardless of the circumstances. There is a strong sense of tradition, honor, and loyalty in Mexican family culture.

According to Mexican culture, “unity is strength,” and family is of utmost importance. Among Mexicans, family is the most important aspect of life. As a result, family relationships are typically very close. An individual’s family has a significant impact on them, providing a sense of identity, community, and support. Mexicans and Mexican descendents are generally expected to be loyal and committed to their family by putting the interests of the family above their own. In times of need, Mexicans rely on their close family relationships for support and security.

The importance of religion and God for the Perez family.

The Perez family places a high value on religion and God. According to Christian doctrine, God is a healer who provides for people’s necessities. The family prays for recovery and the success of the surgery since Christians believe that God answers prayers if they are believed. Since Perez family are descended  from Mexico,  Mexican Americans place a high value on religion. In order to ensure the best possible familial and professional care, family members took spiritual and secular actions as well as influenced God’s good will for them. 

Two stereotypes about Mexican Americans that were dispelled in this case with the Perez family

Social classes have a different household structure in Mexico. Rural and urban households are dominated by nuclear families, but multigenerational living is still prevalent. It is common for children to stay with their parents until they get married or get a job that requires them to move/leave.

Mexican Americans enjoy living close to one another, and the Perez family is located in a community where Mexican Americans are the majority. The photos at Mr. Perez’s home and the manner they pray are evidence that Mexican Americans are religious and strongly maintain Christianity.

The role of Mrs. Perez in this family

Mexican culture is largely patriarchal, with men having more authority than women. Regions, socioeconomic classes, as well as rural and urban areas have different gender roles and dynamics. Mrs. Perez provides the family with emotional, spiritual, and physical care.

This implies that she offers the family members emotional support as well as spiritual nutrition in the form of teachings, bible verses, and prayers. She also takes care of the family members’ bodily needs. For instance, she will take care of Mr. Perez if he is unable to look after himself, especially following surgery


Mexican and Mexican Americans’ beliefs about god in relation to disability. (n.d.). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289141787_Mexican_and_Mexican_Americans’_beliefs_about_God_in_relation_to_disability

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