Discussion 1 : Compare and examine the consequences of an unethical behaviors in a nursing Masters program and in the nursing practice by providing one example for each
Compare and examine the consequences of an unethical behaviors in a nursing Masters program and in the nursing practice by providing one example for each
The discussion must address the topic.
Rationale must be provided
350 words in your initial post.
Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published
You must post two answers to your peers of 150 words. Please each answer to peer is independent and needs at least one reference.
Reply to classmate’s discussion ( answers to your peer of 150 words) each reply needs citation and reference independently. Turnitin less 15%.
Classmate 1 post:
Consequences of Unethical Behaviors in Nursing
Unethical behaviors are generally condemned in every profession. Despite most people having a different perspective of what is and what is not ethical, some behaviors such as theft, lying, and cheating are considered unethical in most ethical frameworks.
In nursing, some of the popular unethical behaviors include violation of patient confidentiality, stealing of patient’s identity or belongings, and discrimination while providing care to patients, among others. Acting unethically in the nursing profession might lead to dangerous situations. This paper aims in discussing some of the unethical behaviors in nursing practice and nursing master’s program and their consequences.
Breaching of patient confidentiality is one of the practices that is considered unethical in nursing practice. The health data of a patient is considered confidential, and thus it should not be shared with other parties without a patient’s consent. There are various nursing laws that govern the kind of patient medical data that can be shared and the ones that must remain private. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is involved in providing standards for protecting patient health information (cdc.gov, 2022).
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Breaching of a patient’s confidential information may affect a nurse’s reputation, hence limiting advancement opportunities through promotion. On the other hand, a nurse found to have breached a patient’s confidential information may have their license canceled. It is thus important to abide by the provided rules for disclosing patients’ health information.
Another common unethical behavior in nursing practice involves having bad personal relationships with patients. Nurse-patient relationships if often fostered due to their multiple benefits, including reducing hospital stay duration, and improved satisfaction of both patients and nurses (Amiri, 2019). However, having personal relationships with patients which may for example constitute having romantic feelings is considered unethical. A nurse found to have a sexual interaction with a patient risk losing their licenses, getting prosecuted, and also getting prohibited from providing any form of health care service. A patient is often considered being vulnerable, and thus unable to protect himself or resist temptations from their provider.
On the other hand, in a nursing master’s program, ethical practices are highly appreciated. Ethical practices are often encouraged among educators, students, and staff in a nursing master’s program to avoid various challenges that may emerge disrupting the teaching and learning environment. Among students and educators, some of the unethical behaviors include disregarding course content, abuse of position, and disrespecting others. Having an unethical environment in a nursing master’s program may disrupt the teaching and learning program, and thus students fail to get the perfect environment to prepare them to be ethical nurses in future as nurse practitioners.
Amiri, E., Ebrahimi, H., Vahidi, M., Asghari Jafarabadi, M., & Namdar Areshtanab, H. (2019). Relationship between nurses’ moral sensitivity and the quality of care. Nursing ethics, 26(4), 1265-1273.
cdc.gov. 2022. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). [online] https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html#:~:text=Health%20Insurance%20Portability%20and%20Accountability%20Act%20of%201996%20(HIPAA),-On%20This%20Page&text=The%20Health%20Insurance%20Portability%20and,the%20patient’s%20consent%20or%20knowledge
Classmate 2 post:
Unethical behavior in nursing education is an emerging concern that severely disturbs the teaching-learning environment and frequently leads to difficult student/faculty interactions (Abdelkader , 2012). Positive, polite attitudes in nursing educators foster similar behaviors in their students (Abdelkader , 2012).
In contrast, an instructor who is cold, indifferent, and belittling may incite resentment in their students (Abdelkader , 2012). Nurse educators must act ethically to foster a solid student-instructor connection and to provide a safe and supportive atmosphere. In the nursing master’s program, it is a requirement that you complete a clinical practicum (Deering, 2020). You will be working in a hospital and interacting with patients. During this time, the student is expected to follow certain rules. If they have broken one of these rules, there are consequences for their behavior.
For example, if they were to give an injection and make an incorrect diagnosis, the supervisor would have grounds for action against them. In some cases, this could result in termination from the program.
Unethical behavior in nursing damages the profession, patients, and the community (Haddad & Geiger, 2021). When nurses engage in unethical behavior, they are harming not only themselves but also those around them. For example, engaging in non-consensual sexual contact is extremely damaging to both the victim and those who witness it. Nurse practitioners, certified nurse anesthetists, and licensed practical nurses are all subject to the same standard of care as registered nurses, which means they must never engage in non-consensual sexual contact. This includes kissing or touching the patient’s body during their visit. If you have violated this standard of care in any way, you may be held liable for damages to the victim or their family.
In addition to the potential financial consequences, engaging in non-consensual sexual contact with a patient can also cause damage to your reputation as a member of the nursing community. This includes having your license revoked or being unable to practice for any period due to criminal charges that arise from your actions.
Abdelkader A.M., (2012). Perception of Unethical Behaviors among Nursing Educators, Students, and Staff in El Minia University. Journal of American Science 8(12):75
Deering, M. (2020, June 3). Internships and Practicums. NurseJournal. https://nursejournal.org/resources/nursing-internships-and-practicums/
Haddad, L. M., & Geiger, R. A. (2021). Nursing ethical considerations. NCBI; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK526054/
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