Explain The Advocacy Efforts Of Lillian Wald – Solution

Explain The Advocacy Efforts Of Lillian Wald

In 600 words, no less than 3 references. Historical perspective writing.

Explain the advocacy efforts of Lillian Wald, public health nurses in urban and rural settings, and nurse practitioners used to effect change in health care.

The Advocacy Efforts Of Lillian Wald

Lillian Wald was an advocate for social reform and women’s rights during the early 20th century. Her work as a social worker and organizer led her to become one of the most influential advocates for women’s rights in American history. Wald helped establish protective agencies for women and children, and she campaigned for legislation that would improve the lives of women and girls. She also wrote extensively about social justice issues, and her writing helped to shape public opinion about women’s rights.

Wald’s advocacy efforts went beyond the United States. She traveled to Europe to speak with leaders about gender inequality, and she testified before Congress on behalf of women’s rights. Wald was also a leader in the field of education, founding the Henry Street Settlement School in New York City in 1921. The school was designed to provide opportunities for disadvantaged youth, and it is still operational today.

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Explain the advocacy efforts of lillian wald, public health nurses in urban and rural settings, and nurse practitioners used to effect change in health care.
Explain the advocacy efforts of Lillian Wald, public health nurses in urban and rural settings, and nurse practitioners used to effect change in health care.

Lillian Wald was an advocate for social reform and women’s rights during the early 20th century. Her work as a social worker and organizer led her to become one of the most influential advocates for women’s rights in American history. Wald helped establish protective agencies for women and children, and she campaigned for legislation that would improve the lives of women and girls. She also wrote

Wald helped to found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and served as its first president. She also founded the Children’s Bureau, a national agency that provided relief to disadvantaged children. In her later years, Wald became an advocate for universal healthcare and environmental preservation.

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Related FAQs

1. Who founded the Henry Street Settlement?

One of the most influential and respected social reformers of the 20th century, Henry Street Settlement founder Lillian Wald (1867-1940) was a tireless and accomplished humanitarian.

2. What are the new threats to health in the United States that community health nurses deal with?

The newer threats to health that public health nurses are involved in are HIV, AIDS, and bioterrorism. Choice #1 lists threats of the past. Avian flu may be a threat, but radiation and tuberculosis are ongoing. Polluted water and air are generally not seen in the United States.

3. How nurses can contribute to to the health and well being of global citizens in society?

Nurses are expected to collaborate globally, influencing research, practice and policy to advance health. Enabling student nurses’ exposure to international experiences increases their preparation and lets them see first hand the impact of global issues on health care.

4. Why is the Henry Street Settlement important?

Henry Street is designated the official provider of AIDS Mental Health Services for the Lower East Side by New York City’s Department of Mental Health. The Urban Family Center is singled out by Diana, Princess of Wales, when she visits New York City, as one of the most effective programs for homeless families.

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