Category: Nursing Assignment Solutions

Nursing Assignment Solutions

Assignment 3: Advanced Nurse Role Integration Final Presentation

Assignment 3: Advanced Nurse Role Integration Final Presentation (24 points) This assignment will showcase topics learned within the course. Additionally, students will be introduced to PowerPoint (PPT) and Kaltura Capture. Students will develop a PPT to share new knowledge relating to various course topics and then present using Kaltura Capture. Resources and instructions for using PowerPoint and Kaltura Capture are located in Canvas under Modules. Assignment Criteria: Students will develop a PowerPoint presentation and Kaltura Capture addressing the following: 1.   Explain three topics learned within the course related to the role of the advanced practice nurse. a.  Describe two […]

Assignment 1: Evaluation Plan Design – Solution

Evaluation Plan Design This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Evaluation Plan Design assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assessment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assessment. Part 1: Evaluation Plan Define the outcomes that are the goal of an intervention plan. What are the outcomes that you are attempting to achieve with your […]

NR449 Evidence-Based Practice : Analyzing Published Research – Assignment 1 Solution

Analyzing Published Research Purpose The purpose of this paper is to interpret the two articles identified as most important to the group topic. Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs 4 and 8) CO 4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence-based practice. (POs 4 and 8) Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment. Total points possible: 200 points Preparing the […]

ACC281 – Week 1 – Discussion – Solution

ACC281 – Week 1 – Discussion Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in the textbook as well as the Week 1 instructor guidance. Additionally, read the following resources: What Is Health Care Economics? (Links to an external site.) Finance and Budgeting Challenges in the Evolving Healthcare Organization – Part 1 (Links to an external site.) Effective Budget Management and Healthcare Innovation – Part 2 (Links to an external site.) Increasing Access to Health Insurance Benefits Everyone: Economic Impacts (Links to an external site.) A Dozen Facts About the Economics of the US Health-care System (Links to an external site.) What Is Healthcare […]

Assignment 1 : Assessing and Diagnosing Patients With Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, and OCD – Solution

Assignment: Assessing and Diagnosing Patients With Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, and OCD “Fear,” according to the DSM-5-TR, “is the emotional response to real or perceived imminent threat, whereas anxiety is anticipation of future threat” (APA, 2022). All anxiety disorders contain some degree of fear or anxiety symptoms (often in combination with avoidant behaviors), although their causes and severity differ. Trauma-related disorders may also, but not necessarily, contain fear and anxiety symptoms, but their primary distinguishing criterion is exposure to a traumatic event. Trauma can occur at any point in life. It might not surprise you to discover that traumatic events are likely to […]