Assignment 3: Advanced Nurse Role Integration Final Presentation

Assignment 3: Advanced Nurse Role Integration Final Presentation (24 points)

This assignment will showcase topics learned within the course. Additionally, students will be introduced to PowerPoint (PPT) and Kaltura Capture. Students will develop a PPT to share new knowledge relating to various course topics and then present using Kaltura Capture. Resources and instructions for using PowerPoint and Kaltura Capture are located in Canvas under Modules.

Assignment Criteria:

Students will develop a PowerPoint presentation and Kaltura Capture addressing the following:

1.   Explain three topics learned within the course related to the role of the advanced practice nurse.

a.  Describe two reasons how the chosen topics impact the role of the advanced practice nurse. 

2.  Explain three topics learned within the course related to scholarship and evidence-based practice. 

a.  Describe two reasons how the chosen topics impact the role of the advanced practice nurse.

3.  Explain three topics learned within the course related to standardized terminologies, informatics, and healthcare technology. 

a.  Describe two reasons how the chosen topics improve outcomes.

4.  Formulate two strategies that can facilitate the successful transition into an advanced practice nurse role.

5.  Once the PPT is created, utilize Kaltura Capture to present the PPT with voice over (use computer and microphone). 

a.  For presentation clarification, include presenter’s notes in the click to add section to explain the slide.

6.  Develop a recorded PPT presentation using Kaltura Capture in the form of a scholarly presentation. Follow the instructions for using Kaltura Capture located in Canvas under Modules then Kaltura Resources. 

7.  The PPT presentation should not be more than 12 slides (excluding the title slide and reference slide) and 8-10 minutes in length. Be complete and concise. Use bulleted statements not complete sentences or paragraphs.

8.  Use APA format for PPT, which always includes a title slide, purpose statement, a reference slide, and APA requirements. Resources found in APA 7th Edition Help Documents.

9.  Include three references for this assignment. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (check Ulrich’s Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.

10.  Submit the Kaltura presentation to the discussion board Monday of Week 8. 

11.  Comment on one classmate’s presentations using the Record/Upload Media icon in Canvas by Sunday Week 8. 

12.  Submit both the PPT and the Kaltura presentation by posted due date.

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Advanced nurse role integration
Advanced Nurse Role Integration

Include the following slides: 

·  Slide 1: Title-develop a title slide. This should include the title of the presentation, student name, course number and due date. Use APA format (does not need to be in Times New Roman for a PPT)

·  Slide 2: Introduction-Draw audience into presentation. Use key bulleted points not paragraphs 

·  Slide 3: Purpose Statement-Develop the purpose statement utilizing the assignment criteria (use bulleted points)

·  Slide 4: Explain three topics learned within the course related to the role of the advanced practice nurse.

·  Slide 5: Describe two reasons how the chosen topics impact the role of the advanced practice nurse. 

·  Slide 6: Explain three topics learned within the course related to scholarship and evidence-based practice. 

·  Slide 7: Describe two reasons how the chosen topics impact the role of the advanced practice nurse.

·  Slide 8: Explain three topics learned within the course related to standardized terminologies, informatics, and healthcare technology. 

·  Slide 9: Describe two reasons how the chosen topics improve outcomes.

·  Slide 10: Formulate two strategies that can facilitate the successful transition into an advanced practice nurse role.

·  Slide 11: Conclusion-Include a summary of the main points. Again, utilize bulleted statements

·  Slide 12: References in APA format used for citations throughout the presentation. (include in-text citations on slides). References should be in APA format

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