OB Concept Map – Assignment 1 Solution

OB Concept Map

History of Present Illness (HPI)

History needs to include Patients age, Gravida, Para, gestational age, EDC and how EDC is determined with citation. Reason for coming to the hospital , what the patient was complaining about that brought her to come into the hospital and then admitting Diagnosis

Pathophysiology is explained in complete detail with accurate and in-depth understanding of Admitting diagnosis. and presenting signs/symptoms supported by diagnostic tests and proposed treatment plan; with APA references.

Medical History

Complete details given of other health problems (includes explanation of all relevant medical history) with full understanding as to its relation to the patient’s/ client’s present health problem(s). with APA references .Including prenatal care identify what happens in 1st trimester, 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester with APA references. inducing labs and diagnostic test, with APA references.

Surgical History

Complete details given of all surgeries patho (includes explanation of all relevant surgical history) with full understanding as to its relation to the patient’s/ client’s present health problem(s). and past surgeries. with APA references.

Social History

 social issues include family outings, patient hobbies, Work

Patient Information

Name: Age: Gender: Code Status: EDC: EGA:

Chief Complaint

Admitting Diagnosis

OB History


Need to identify previous pregnancies year , and type of delivery

Prenatal Panel

Blood Type/Rh: GBS: Hep B: HIV: Rubella: RPR: Chlamydia: Gonorrhea: HSV:

Delivery Summary

Delivery Type & Time: Placenta Delivery Time: Lacerations/Episiotomy: EBL: Hemorrhage Medications Given: APGAR Score:1 minute____ 5 minute______

Patient Education (Inpatient) & Discharge Planning

Teaching Assessment: Identify primary language, learning style, support system and tools needed to teach


Need to explain consult




Patient Education (Inpatient)

All in patient teaching required

Discharge Planning

Need to have discharge teaching based on patient and newborn and follow up teaching for both patient and newborn.

Erickson’s Developmental Stage Related to Patient & Cite References

Need to explain how the patient fits in the stage

Cultural Considerations; Ethnicity; Occupation; Religion; Family Support; Insurance; Socioeconomic

Ethnicity: Occupation: Religion: Family Support: Insurance: Socioeconomic:

Need to explain how each area effects the patients’ health care practice in wellness and in illness with evidenced based support, Reference /citation APA

Diagnostic Tests/ Lab Results with Dates and Normal Ranges




Current Value

Clearly and accurately identifies and explains abnormal findings for pertinent current laboratory and diagnostics test results related to patient’s/client’s disease process.

CBC, Type and Screen

Glucose screening

ALT, AST, Platelets, Protein




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Ob concept map
OB Concept Map

Psychosocial Concerns with Rationales







Medical Management/Orders/Medications and Allergies






RN Considerations

Lists all MAR medications (Routine and PRN) including name; ordered dose; route; MD ordered indication; mechanism of action; relevant side effects and nursing considerations relevant to the patient/client.


Color: Cap Refill: Tele Rhythm: Peripheral Edema: Heart Sounds: Pulses:


LOC: PMS: PERRLA: Vision: Face: Strength:

Vital Signs

Temperature: Pulse: Respirations: Blood Pressure: Pain Level:


Lung Fields: Breathing Pattern: Sputum: Cough: Suctioning: Pulse Oximetry: Supplemental O2:


Bonding: Support: Emotional State: Maternal Phase:

Homan’s Sign

Redness: Tenderness: Pain: Swelling: Homan’s:


Location: Stitches: Edema: Redness: Approximation:


Amount: Odor: Color: Clots: Pad Changes: EBL:


Bowel Sounds: Abdomen: Last BM: Incontinence: Bedpan: Abd. Pain: Ostomy: Drains:


BR: Incontinence: Indwelling Catheter: Urine Color/Consistency: Urine Output:


Location: Midline: Firm/Boggy: Contractions:


Size: Nipple: Shape: Engorgement: Colostrum:

Priority Nursing Dx #1

All nursing diagnoses are accurate and prioritized per format with clear etiology and data to support the diagnosis. Nursing Diagnoses are consistent and present a correlation from the assessment data.

Nursing Diagnosis R/T medical diagnosis or condition, AEB pertinent S/S, diagnostics and supporting data

Priority Nursing Dx #2

All nursing diagnoses are accurate and prioritized per format with clear etiology and data to support the diagnosis. Nursing Diagnoses are consistent and present a correlation from the assessment data.

Nursing Diagnosis R/T medical diagnosis or condition, AEB pertinent S/S, diagnostics and supporting data

Assessment/Evaluation #1

 Evaluates effectiveness of interventions and measures goal completion.

Modifies, revises and recommends alternative interventions.

Assessment/Evaluation #2

 Evaluates effectiveness of interventions and measures goal completion.

Modifies, revises and recommends alternative interventions.

Outcome/Goal #2

The goal clearly supports the nursing diagnosis and plan of care. The goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed.

Time for your clinical day

Outcome/Goal #1

The goal clearly supports the nursing diagnosis and plan of care. The goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed.

Time for your clinical day

Interventions #2

Clearly and accurately Identifies nursing/ collaborative interventions. Interventions are always individualized, prioritized, organized, specific and realistic. Nursing actions are always aimed at the patient’s/client’s goals and directed at the stated health deviation.

Your interventions are the interventions and task you provided to the patient all day during your clinical. This is what you actually did at the bedside during your clinical day.

Intervention should be from beginning to end to meet the task step by step

Interventions #1

Clearly and accurately Identifies nursing/ collaborative interventions. Interventions are always individualized, prioritized, organized, specific and realistic. Nursing actions are always aimed at the patient’s/client’s goals and directed at the stated health deviation.

Your interventions are the interventions and task you provided to the patient all day during your clinical. This is what you actually did at the bedside during your clinical day.

Intervention should be from beginning to end to meet the task step by step.

Potential Complication #1

Risk for Nursing Diagnosis R/T medical diagnosis or condition

Potential Complication #2

Risk for Nursing Diagnosis R/T medical diagnosis or condition

PC Outcome/Goal #2

The goal clearly supports the nursing diagnosis and plan of care. The goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed.

PC Outcome/Goal #1

The goal clearly supports the nursing diagnosis and plan of care. The goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed.

PC Interventions #2

Clearly and accurately Identifies nursing/ collaborative interventions. Interventions are always individualized, prioritized, organized, specific and realistic. Nursing actions are always aimed at the patient’s/client’s goals and directed at the stated health deviation.

Your interventions are the interventions and task you provided to the patient all day during your clinical. This is what you actually did at the bedside during your clinical day.

Intervention should be from beginning to end to meet the task step by step

PC Interventions #1

Clearly and accurately Identifies nursing/ collaborative interventions. Interventions are always individualized, prioritized, organized, specific and realistic. Nursing actions are always aimed at the patient’s/client’s goals and directed at the stated health deviation.

Your interventions are the interventions and task you provided to the patient all day during your clinical. This is what you actually did at the bedside during your clinical day.

Intervention should be from beginning to end to meet the task step by step

Head-to-Toe Assessment

Documents full Head-to-Toe physical assessment – relevant to the patient/client as performed by the student. Utilizes an organized format and appropriate terms to describe both normal and abnormal assessment findings.




Vital Signs









Fetal Heart Rate Tracing

Fetal Heart Rate Tracing

Heart Rate:






Frequency: ________ ___________

Duration: ________ ___________

Fetal Heart Rate Tracing

Heart Rate:






Frequency: ________ ___________

Duration: ________ ___________


Accurate APA format; Appropriate citations and references; No spelling or grammar errors.

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