Define ethics in human research and identify how ethics are presented in the article – Scenario 1 Solution

Define ethics in human research and identify how ethics are presented in the article


You have just been hired as a Research Assistant for a hospital where you will be working with a team that conducts human research. As a part of your training, you are expected to refresh your understanding of historical issues in human research and how they relate to current research practices. Your supervisor has asked you to create a PowerPoint to demonstrate your understanding of historical issues in human research based. Your presentation will be based on one of the following articles:

  • Tuskegee Syphilis Study
  • Mackey-Kallis, S. (2019). Tuskegee experiment. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
  • Henrietta Lacks
  • Gabbay, F. H. (2012). An American woman and the right to healthPsychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes, 75(2), 113–119.
  • Nazi Medical Experiments
  • Naming the victims of Nazi medicine. (2017). The Lancet, 389(10085), 2182-2183. 
  • Thalidomide
  • Thomas, K. (2020, Mar 24). Thalidomide’s legacy: [Correction]. New York Times

Create a PowerPoint presentation that examines historical issues in human research and how this relates to current research practices. Select one of the articles listed above on the following historical research projects: Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Henrietta Lacks, Nazi Medical Experiments, or Thalidomide Trials.

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Define ethics in human research and identify how ethics are presented in the article
Define ethics in human research and identify how ethics are presented in the article

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