Describe how contraceptives can play a role in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections – Assignment 1 Solution

Describe how contraceptives can play a role in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

It has become necessary to ration a vaccine for a contagious disease. There is only enough vaccine available to cover 25% of the U.S. population. It is now crucial to determine an appropriate method to ensure coverage for 100% of the U.S. population, but how?Instructions:

  1. Re-read the statement above and reflect on a possible solution.
  2. Examine the following theories below:
    1. Utilitarianism
    2. Rights-based
    3. Duty-based
    4. Justice-based
    5. Virtue-based
  3. Please answer the following question:
  4. Your post should:

1. Give 10 examples and Name and Evaluate the spread and control of these sexually transmitted infections.

2. Identify risk factors and outline appropriate client education needed in common sexually transmitted infections.

3. Describe how contraceptives can play a role in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

4. Analyze the physiologic and psychological aspects of sexually transmitted infections.

5. Outline the nursing management needed for women with sexually transmitted infections.

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Describe how contraceptives can play a role in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections
Describe how contraceptives can play a role in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections

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