Discussion 1 : Mobile technology in outpatient care Discussion Questions #1: Planning for our patients during times of transitions (for example: hospital to home, home to rehabilitation facility) involves collaboration with a number of healthcare professionals. Please address the following questions: · How does your facility promote interprofessional collaboration during times of patient transitions? · What is the role of the nurse in patient transitions? · What gaps can you identify in this process related to quality of care? (If you are not currently in practice, please use a previous role or clinical experience in your answers.) Are you […]
Acute health care problem Assignment 1 Solution
Acute health care problem Select a client from clinical experience with an acute health problem or complaint requiring at least two visits. Submit a complete H & P SOAP note from the initial visit with this client, as well as a focused SOAP note for the follow-up visit. Based on this client’s condition, conduct a literature search for two research articles that discuss various approaches to the treatment of this condition. Peer reviewed articles must address the standardized procedure or guidelines for this diagnosis. Incorporate the research findings into the decision-making for this client’s treatment. In the paper, compare […]
Discussion Board Assignment 1 – Nursing Informatics Competencies Model – Solution
Discussion Board Assignment: Nursing Informatics Competencies Model The nursing manager of your department is starting to do the yearly employees evaluations. She has told everyone that she will ask you to do a self-assessment of your informatics/computer competencies. You would like to find out more about the competencies and ask for a reference so that you can learn about the assessment. She refers you to look up TIGER-based competencies. Question #1 – Nursing Informatics Competencies Model You have read the TIGER Nursing Informatics Competencies Model information. What four competencies do you use in your current practice? Are you looking for answers […]
How can the University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center protect its healthcare workers from the prevalence of compassion fatigue – Assignment 1 Solution
PROBLEM STATEMENT: How can the University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center protect its healthcare workers from the prevalence of compassion fatigue? Use the template below for this assignment. Abstract and Problem statement. Review the requirements for an abstract in your W2L course. The problem statement will be reviewed for content by your professor. Once the problem statement is approved by both the W2L Coach and your professor, it may not be changed without approval. Annotated Bibliography and Data Sources pick an umbrella topic and create an annotated bibliography. 1. Umbrella Topic: Students should pick an umbrella topic for their health policy analysis […]
Translational Science Model
Translational Science Model The Knowledge to Action Framework was developed by Dr. Ian Graham and his colleagues in 2006 and was founded on over thirty theories of change. It gives a seven-phase cycle that allows stakeholders to translate knowledge into practice to enhance outcomes (Graham & Tetroe, 2010). The model comprises two essential parts: knowledge generation and action. This model’s primary purpose is to turn evidence into action while monitoring, evaluating, and tweaking the implementation process (Boscart et al., 2020). The seven phases in the Knowledge to Action Framework will serve as a structure and guide for this DNP […]