Theory Analysis and Evaluation Assignment 1 Solution
Theory Analysis and Evaluation
Purpose: With the evolution of numerous theories within the discipline of nursing, there is a need to examine and critically analyze a theory’s value to the profession and to practice. Consideration of the contribution of a theory to the body of nursing knowledge must be made.
Theory analysis is a systematic, nonjudgmental process that supports understanding of that particular theory. A grand, middle range or borrowed theory may be selected.
There are several methods for theory analysis and evaluation; each has its unique approach and process.
Select Walker and Avant method of theory analysis and apply
it to an assigned theory. You should use examples in nursing practice to illustrate your analysis. APA format is expected.
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Rubric for Grading Theory Analysis and Evaluation Paper
Component | Points Possible |
Theory description Historical context of the theory Structural components of the theory Functional components of the theory Primary source material utilized | 25 |
Theory Analysis (identify methodology)Objective examination utilizing selected methodology Elements of process identified Examples from theory utilized as evidence within each step of process Incorporation of related works by others (critiques, examples of utility and/or limitations, etc.) | 25 |
Theory evaluation Potential contribution to nursing’s knowledge base Examples of settings in which theory has greater utility Limitations of the theory | 25 |
Demonstrates appropriate breadth and depth of content area Content presented was valid/accurate Logical sequence of ideas Extends knowledge beyond course text | 25 |
Total Points Possible | 100 |
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