Discussion: Ethical and Legal Foundations of PMHNP Care
Discussion: Ethical and Legal Foundations of PMHNP Care
Advanced practice nursing in all specialties is guided by codes of ethics that put the care, rights, duty, health, and safety of the patient first and foremost. PMHNP practice is also guided by ethical codes specifically for psychiatry. These ethical codes are frameworks to guide clinical decision making; they are generally not prescriptive. They also represent the aspirational ideals for the profession. Laws, on the other hand, dictate the requirements that must be followed. In this way, legal codes may be thought to represent the minimum standards of care, and ethics represent the highest goals for care.
For this Discussion, you select a topic that has both legal and ethical implications for PMHNP practice and then perform a literature review on the topic. Your goal will be to identify the most salient legal and ethical facets of the issue for PMHNP practice, and also how these facets differ in the care of adult patients versus children. Keep in mind as you research your issue, that laws differ by state and your clinical practice will be dictated by the laws that govern your state.
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To Prepare
Select one of the following ethical/legal topics:
Informed assent/consent and capacity
Child and elder abuse reporting
In the Walden library, locate a total of four scholarly, professional, or legal resources related to this topic. One should address ethical considerations related to this topic for adults, one should be on ethical considerations related to this topic for children/adolescents, one should be on legal considerations related to this topic for adults, and one should be on legal considerations related to this topic for children/adolescents.
Briefly identify the topic you selected. Then, summarize the articles you selected, explaining the most salient ethical and legal issues related to the topic as they concern psychiatric-mental health practice for children/adolescents and for adults . Explain how this information could apply to your clinical practice, including specific implications for practice within your state. Attach the PDFs of your articles.
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Related FAQs
1. What are ethical principles in behavioral health?
The five bedrock principles of autonomy, justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and fidelity are each vital in and of themselves to a healthy counseling relationship. By exploring an ethical dilemma with regard to these principles, a counselor may come to a better understanding of the conflicting issues.
2. What are 2 ethical issues in treating mental illness?
Psychiatric research has several important ethical issues which are different from other medical disciplines. These issues are related to informed consent, confidentiality, conflict of interest, therapeutic misconception, placebo related, vulnerability, exploitation, operational challenges, among others.
3. What are some ethical issues in mental health nursing?
Examples of ethical issues for mental health nurses include professional obligations to provide care, non-adherent patients, advanced statements, deprivation of liberty, seclusion, and the use of restraint (Hazelton & Morral 2008; Redman & Fry 2003; Soininen et al. 2013; WHO 2005).
4. What are ethical principles which have importance in mental health practice?
Mental health providers live out the ethical principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and respect for persons in their efforts to understand, appreciate, and empathize with their patients’ cultural values and to use those abilities in the service of excellent patient care.