What are the 5 common elements of a research paper?
What are the 5 common elements of a research paper?
Research papers are a form of essays but differ from the rest in terms of its content quality and organization. That is, writing a research paper as a nurse, you need to look at what other scholars have done, interpret the knowledge acquired, and generate your arguments. In addition, you generate experimental data to give you a solid discussion/conclusion of the topic. Hence, compiling your research work requires a systematic flow of concepts. Our article has an outline of the common elements for a research paper.
- Title
The title gives your research paper its identity. Typically, the title comes in the cover pager, including the author’s name and additional contact information.
- Abstract
The abstract is a one-paragraph overview of the entire paper. It occurs at the first section of the report after the cover page with a word limit ranging between 100-300 words. A reader gets an insight of the research purpose, discussion of the main themes, methods, and material used. Research findings and how they serve the purpose of your papers are briefly described. Additionally, abstract gives the readers morale to read till the end plus, one can tell if what they are looking for is available in your work from the content available in the abstract.
- Introduction and literature review
Having an understandable introduction gives quality to your paper. You establish the reason/purpose of your research. Literature review with relevant citations of previous studies are included in the introduction. As the writer, state the problem, thesis of your paper, and your hypothesis. Make your introduction clear and exciting such that the readers can get engaged to go deeper.
- Methods and materials
A research paper requires the nurse students to collect experimental data for better conclusive stands. Show the experimental designs used in your research, sampling techniques, samples used, and the data analysis tool applied to interpret your results. Lead your reader accordingly for them to fiction those experiments.
- Results
Experimental findings are included in research papers objectively without interpretation or giving a personalized opinion. Table illustrations and texts are prominent in the results part. That is, the use of graphs, pie charts, and tables to show the quantifiable data. A logical approach is vital to avoid confusion. When reporting the results, active voice is required. Formulate your texts in a sequence, show how they relate to the hypothesis, and answer your questions.

- Discussion and conclusion
The purpose of the discussion part is to interpret the recorded results regarding the pre-known knowledge of your research topic. From the discussion, you shed new light on the research question from the latest findings. It should connect with the introduction, hypothesis, and conclude your topic. in the discussion, you can indicate implications that need future research and the shortcomings you experienced during your study.
A perfectly written research paper includes these elements. Employing them with others like references, in addition to quality content, as a student, you have an assurance for excellent performance in your nursing course. Paper organization is a bait to readers and impressing to the tutors.
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