Foundational Concept – Describe ways in which your nursing practice might contribute to service within your organization and your community – Best Help

Foundational Concept – Describe ways in which your nursing practice might contribute to service within your organization and your community

Share ways you might contribute to service in your own organization and community, as well as thinking about the world as your community.

Foundational Concept –As patient advocates in all nursing roles, Lucatorto et al., (2016) think that nurses influence the system as patient advocates (p. 1) by involvement with:

  • Healthcare organizational culture
  • Care giving
  • Standards and scope of practice
  • Change processes
  • Contributions in clinical outcomes
  • System measurement of nursing actions
  • Nursing knowledge expansion
  • Supportive shared governance
  • Clinical skills
  • Team-based care (Systems level team)
  • Organizational and health policy
  • Outcome measures
  • Autonomy and accountability

Regardless of our nursing positions and focus of our roles, patient influence, and engagement, we are connected by our nursing history, vision, and practice. The Chamberlain Care Model promotes the concept of care as a culture with the vision statement of: “By living Chamberlain Care we graduate extraordinary nursing professionals who transform healthcare worldwide” (Groenwald, 2018, p. 11).

Ways in which your nursing practice might contribute to service within your organization and your community

One of the ways in which your nursing practice might contribute to service within your organization and your community is by engaging in research. By conducting research, nurses can develop new ways to care for their patients and improve the quality of patient care overall. Additionally, by sharing their findings with other health professionals, nurses can help to improve the quality of care for everyone involved.

Nurses also have a responsibility to engage in public health nursing. By working with other healthcare professionals to identify and address public health issues, nurses can help to protect the public from physical and mental health risks. Furthermore, by working with community organizations, nurses can help to improve the quality of life for those living in underserved areas.

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Foundational concept - describe ways in which your nursing practice might contribute to service within your organization and your community
Foundational Concept – Describe ways in which your nursing practice might contribute to service within your organization and your community

Finally, nurses have a responsibility to work with members of the community. By providing educational programs and services, nurses can help people understand how healthcare works and how they can access it. In addition, by providing support services such as housing or food assistance, nurses can help people maintain their quality of life despite difficult circumstances.

Nursing Essays Examples

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Related FAQs

1. What can you contribute to the community as a nurse?

Some nurses volunteer by using their medical knowledge to promote health in the community. Others provide health screenings at community events, give advice on diet or exercise, and educate the public on the importance of hand washing and vaccinations.

2. What role do nurses play in the community?

Nurses play an essential role in society today by being advocates for health promotion, educating the public and patients on preventing injury and illnesses, participating in rehabilitation, and providing care and support.

3. How do nurses serve others?

By tapping into their reservoirs of loving kindness, forgiveness, and compassion for the self, nurses radiate a caring consciousness that heals both themselves and others.

4. How do nurses contribute to healthcare?

Nurses use their voice and experience to advocate for patients within their health-care team, ensuring they get the care they need. Nurses also play a key role in shaping hospital-wide policies for approaches that help patients and their families.

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