Advanced Psychopharmacology and Health Promotion – Prescribing Assignment – Best Solution(2022)
This article covers a solution to NU670-8c- Advanced Psychopharmacology and Health Promotion – Prescribing Assignment.
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NU670-8c- Advanced Psychopharmacology and Health Promotion
Prescribing Assignment
Determine if your practice state is an independent practice state for APRNs.
Connecticut is an independent practice state, hence advance practice nurses must hold Connecticut RN licensure provided by the Connecticut Department of Public Health (AANP, n.d.). APRNs are licensed in Connecticut, and any APRN personnel cannot practice without a license. Equally, the state recognizes other nursing certifications, including practitioners, specialists, anesthetists, and midwives, though the latter has different certification processes and requirements.
Look up the APRN prescribing regulations in your state.
APRNs are licensed under Section 20-29A, maintaining their certification with the American Association of Nurse Anaesthetists, are allowed to prescribe, dispense and administer drugs, including controlled medications (Connecticut General Assembly [CGA], 2012). However, licensed APRNs under Section 20-29A who have not maintained their certification with the AANA may also prescribe, dispense and administer drugs, including controlled medications under Section 20-87A (CGA, 2012).
What are the safe prescribing recommendations for APRNs in your state? This will vary depending on the level of practice authority.
Connecticut’s Department of Public Health (DPH) provides licenses for APRNs to perform advanced nursing practices, including prescribing medications (Dube, 2009). Connecticut’s legislation requires that APRNs should work in collaboration with a licensed physician. As a result, there is a need for written documentation outlining this APRN-Physician collaboration’s precepts to enable the APRN to prescribe medication safely. The documentation details the list of medications that the APRN is allowed to prescribe.
Furthermore, the Connecticut state allows an APRN to collaborate with a physician in all settings to prescribe, dispense, and administer clinical therapeutics and other corrective measures (Dube, 2009). Besides, APRNs can request, authenticate, obtain, and distribute drug samples (Dube, 2009). Lastly, APRNs are allowed to dispense and administer medication only when he/she is presently certified by the AANA or when the attending physician is present during the surgery.
Does your state have a Prescriptions Drug Monitoring Program? If so, explain. If not, please describe current legislation regarding this topic.
Connecticut has a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, i.e., the Connecticut Prescription Monitoring and Reporting System (CPMRS) (Connecticut’s Official State Website, n.d.). The healthcare providers and pharmacists use the CPMRS to guide them in the active treatment of patients. The program presents a comprehensive guide of substance use among patients and other providers’ prescriptions (Connecticut’s Official State Website, n.d.).
As a result, the CPMRS plays a significant role in improving patient care quality while reducing medical errors from wrong prescriptions, addiction, and overdose. Consequentially, the healthcare providers get the opportunity to manage patient treatment and referral services effectively. In this sense, the healthcare providers refer patients to drug abuse providers, including a drug overdose or addiction, in instances when appropriate.
What are the barriers to APRN’s prescribing in your state?
Like any other state, registered nurses in Connecticut experience barriers in their path to practice. One such barrier is the requirement that full practice authority I granted to nurse practitioners only when they finish a three-year practice and attain 20 000 hours of training (NursingLicensure, 2021). Furthermore, nurse practitioners, specialists, and anesthetists are required by law to pursue and graduate with a master’s degree in nursing or any other related field whose qualification can be certified (Dube, 2009).
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The proponents of APRNs’ independent practice in Connecticut argue that APRNs’ proper training can effectively and independently provide primary care services proficiently and effectively (Dube, 2009). Besides, APRNs’ independent certification does affect caregivers’ earning. The Institute of medicine argues that APRNs should be allowed to practice exclusively and the comprehensive extent of their training and training (Feyereisen, & Goodrick, 2020).
What local or national organizations are available for you to join in supporting the cause for advancing practice/prescribing for APRN?
State professional organizations in Connecticut include the Connecticut Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Society, the Connecticut Board of Examiner in Nursing, and the Connecticut Association of Nurse Anaesthetists (NursingLicensure, 2021). Besides, Connecticut accepts endorsements provided by the American Nurses Credentialing Centre, American Association of Nurse Anaesthetists, and American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Paediatric Nursing Certification Board, National Certification Corporation for the Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing Specialties, Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation, and American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (n.d.). Information and Resources for Connecticut NPs. Retrieved 2 April 2021, from
Connecticut General Assembly. (2012). Chapter 378 – Nursing. Retrieved 2 April 2021, from
Connecticut’s Official State Website. (n.d.). Prescription Monitoring Program. Retrieved 2 April 2021, from
Dube, N. (2009). Advanced practice registered nurse collaborative agreements. Retrieved 2 April 2021, from
Feyereisen, S., & Goodrick, E. (2020). Examining variable nurse practitioner independence across jurisdictions: a case study of the United States. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 103633.
NursingLicensure. (2021). Connecticut Advanced Practice Nursing. Retrieved 2 April 2021, from